Complete Web Strategy

Do you need to set up your online presence from scratch, on the web and on social networks? We'll think about it!

Nel 2024, avere un sito web è vitale. Ormai, il sito web per la propria impresa, qualunque essa sia, non è più un plus, ma un requisito minimo. La presenza online è cruciale per raggiungere quanti più clienti possibili, per comunicare il proprio messaggio, veicolare novità e stabilirsi come autorità nel proprio settore. Noi di Stolas Informatica lo sappiamo molto bene e siamo felici di mettere a tua disposizione la nostra esperienza pluriennale nello sviluppo web. Blog, siti aziendali o personali, eCommerce, portali eLearning e persino Community. Di cosa hai bisogno?


Why do you need a professional and responsive site?

Che tu abbia un’impresa o sia un libero professionista, nel 2024, avere un professional and responsive website, which fits well on all devices, is essential.

In fact, a well-made site allows you to organize information in an easily usable way for your users. Visitors will have everything they might need available within a few clicks. Social presence should never be confused with a well-structured web portal: target, communication and content should be diversified. Your website must convey authority and professionalism.

A modern and attractive website will be able to multiply the turnover exponentially of your business. At worst, the site is a landmark that strengthen your brand, rende l’azienda o il progetto more credible and will help you settle how authority in your industry.


L’importanza dei Social Network

I nostri smartphone sono finestre sempre aperte sul mondo. I nostri mondi sono fatti di amicizie, affetti e, dall’avvento dei social, anche aziende, negozi, professionisti. Essere sui social networks, oggi, significa avere accesso costante all’attenzione dei tuoi attuali o futuri clienti.

Especially the new generations, more than the previous ones, expect a direct dialogue with brands and their commercial activities. They expect to be heard and entertained with content that provides information, but in an engaging and interesting way for them.

By accepting this need, companies that are positioned on social networks can create deep bonds with their customers, and this will ensure that they will always choose their services or products, because they will feel trust and confidence.


And the advertising campaigns?

Social presence, especially if strategic, is like move your shop to an extremely busy square with new customers.
Using social media strategically means attract attention of these new customers, distracting them from your competitors.

Adding advertising also means that the crowded square will be dotted with signs that will all point in the direction of your store. It will then drive traffic to your products or services.

With the right advertising campaigns, whether through Google, Facebook + Instagram, LinkedIn or other channels, you can reach your target, conveying the true value of your offer to them.

We are ready to help you grow in 2023

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